In the game, there are two types of ants: worker ants and army ants.

  • Worker ants are responsible for carrying food. They have two stats:
    • Carry: Indicates how much food they can carry per trip.
    • Speed: Determines how fast they move.
  • Army ants have two stats as well:
    • Health: Represents how much damage they can take.
    • Attack: Represents how much damage they deal.

Both types of ants can be upgraded. Additionally, there is a Lay Egg ability, which lets you produce new ants.

The game also includes a Shop, where you can spend food to generate either more food or monsters.

  • Monsters drop food when killed by army ants.
  • Army ants drop food when they die as well.

The game uses a single currency: food.

The game lasts 150 seconds, and your final score is the amount of food you have left at the end.
How much food can you score? Good luck!

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